Contact Wolf  Help

Email - How to send and configure

Contact Wolf can send email to a single or multiple recipients.
It can send email using your computers email client (the default method) or send email using the built-in email engine (PRO version only ) capable of sending thousands of email messages very quickly.
If you use the default setting to use your computers email client it will add additional email addresses to the cc field in the email client installed on your computer. Using the cc field allows other recipients
to see the other email addresses. To avoid this simply Copy and Paste the email addresses in the cc field into the bc (blind copy) field in your email client and remove the addresses from the cc field.
Some email clients use different methods to separate email addresses in the cc field. You can configure this option by selecting:

To Configure how the Computers Email Client sends multiple emails select:

Preferences->Email Options->Configure->How to send multiple emails from this computers email client->Use semi colon to format multiple email addresses
Preferences->Email Options->Configure->How to send multiple emails from this computers email client->Use commas to format multiple email addresses
Email addresses for a selected record are displayed in the Email Display List that's entitled "Email" in the main interface.

To access an email address :

1) Click on an existing record in the Record List to select and load the record.
2) Click once on the email address in the Email Address List to select it.
3) Click on the Email button to the left of the Email Address List to launch your email client and access the email address selected.
NOTE: The Email address selected will automatically be entered in the "Address" field in the email client. To Add or Edit an email address to an existing record please refer to the Edit a record help topic.

Sending email to multiple recipients :

To automatically address and send email to multiple recipients the Tag record option must be used to "Tag" (select) records. All records that are "tagged" will automatically have their primary email address added as a destination address when the email is sent.
The primary email address for a record is the *first* email address. The primary email address must be a valid email address to be included.

To send an email to multiple recipients :

1) Tag the records to include in the email list
2) Click on the Email button on the left side of the main Contact Wolf window
Contact Wolf includes a powerful "built-in" email engine that is capable of bulk emailing thousands of recipients. The Email Engine must be configured to be able to use your email server.
TIP: If you would prefer simply using your computers email client for sending email from Contact Wolf you can enable the client option by selecting:
Select :  Preferences ->Email options -> Send email from Contact Wolf using -> This computers email client
Note: You can email multiple recipients using the email client option but all the addresses of the recipients will be viewable by each recipient since the email addresses will be added to the cc box in your computers email client. There may be a limit on the number of recipient email addresses that can be added using the client option. The Contact Wolf email engine does not have any limitations and the recipient addresses will not be viewable by each recipient.

To enable the Contact Wolf Email Engine (PRO version only):

Select :  Preferences ->Email options -> Send email from Contact Wolf using -> Contact Wolf Email Engine
To configure the Contact Wolf email engine:
Select : Preferences ->Email options -> Configure-> configure Contact Wolf Email Engine
1) Enter your Outgoing Email Server Address:
This is usually an SMTP address such as You may need to contact your ISP to determine your outgoing server address. If you have a functional email client on your computer you can usually find the smtp address in the email clients options.
2) Enter the Sender Email Address (usually your reply email address)
3) If your server requires authentication (a username and password) click on the Server Requires Authentication option and place a check mark in the box so its selected.
4) Enter your email servers UserName and Password (if it requires authentication)
5) Click on the TEST EMAIL button to send a test email to yourself. You will see a popup message that says "Message sent successfully" if you have the server information entered correctly. If you have the Contact Wolf Email Engine option enabled all email will now be sent from Contact Wolf using its built-in email engine.
TIP:  If the Test Email button fails you will see a popup message that the error encountered has been stored in a file named errors.xml   You may need to search your computer to find the errors.xml file location since it can be different depending on the Operating System and install location selected. The file can be opened with NotePad or a browser and it indicate what problem occurred when it tried to send email.
To send the Email messages using the Contact Wolf email engine :
After Tagging the records to send email to and clicking on the Email button, complete the message to be sent and click the SEND button.
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