Contact Wolf  Help

Phone Numbers and Dialing

The phone numbers that are entered into a Contact Wolf record is exactly the dialing code that's sent to the default dialing client software installed on the system. Contact Wolf  integrates with the dialing client to make the phone call. If the call is not being made successfully the user should check the documentation with the communications software being used on the system to dial the phone number. Most users simply use the Windows Phone Dialer that's included with Windows to dial the phone number. The Windows Phone Dialer can be installed from the Windows CDROM. Dialing options for area code inclusion,  etc can be adjusted from the Windows Phone Dialer menu options.
Contact Wolf will integrate with most communications software installed on the computer. Users may use 3rd party communications and Dialing software with Contact Wolf to place the call if the dialing software being used is defined on the system as the Default Dialing Client.

Phone numbers and Dialing :

Telephone numbers for a selected record are displayed in the  Phone Display List thats entitled "Phone" in the main interface.

To dial a telephone number:

1) Click on an existing record in the Record List  to select and load the record.
2) Click once on the phone number in the Phone List  to select it.
3) Click on the Dial button next to the Phone List to  launch your phone dialing client and dial the phone number.
NOTE: The phone dialing client is your systems default dialing software. On most Windows systems the default will  be the Windows Phone Dialer. (can be installed from your  Windows CDROM)
4) After your call is completed, close your phone dialing client.
5) The Phone Log window will be displayed where you can enter a comment about the phone call and then log the call into the  database for future reference. Please refer to the Phone Log help topic for more information.
NOTE: To Add or Edit a phone number to an existing record simply EDIT the record and Add/Edit the phone number under the Name/Phone Tab,
or RIGHT CLICK in the Phone List Window (below) for the record and select Add or Edit from the popup menu option.

To Add or Edit an extension for an existing phone number:

1) RIGHT Click once on the phone number in the Phone List Window to highlight and select it and open the popup menu of options
2) Click on the EDIT option
3) Add or Edit the extension
4) Click the OK button
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