Contact Wolf  Help

Pasting a record

To paste a record into the Contact Wolf database the Copy Record option must be selected first to specify the record to be pasted. Please refer to the Copy Record help topic for more information.
NOTE: Where the record is pasted into the database is determined by the current Filing option selected for the directory that's currently open. If the auto file option is ON then the pasted record is automatically
filed alphabetically and added to the database. If the auto file option is OFF then the record will be pasted and filed under the currently selected Alphabet tab (A-Z) and added to the database.
Please refer to the Filing Options help topic for more information.

To Paste and Auto file the record :

1) Verify that the auto file option is ON by selecting
Preferences -> Filing Options -> Personal or Business -> Auto file on
2) Copy the desired record by using the Copy record toolbar button
3) Click on the Paste record toolbar button to add and auto file the record to the Contact Wolf database.

To Paste a record to a desired location without auto filing:

1) Verify that the auto file option is OFF by selecting
Preferences -> Filing Options -> Personal or Business -> Auto file off
2) Copy the desired record by using the Copy record toolbar button
3) Select the destination by clicking on the desired Alphabet tab (A-Z)
4) Click on the Paste record toolbar button to add the record to the Contact Wolf database.
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