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Print Options


Print options (Standard Printing):

The Print Options window is where the user specifies "what" prints and "how" it prints for a Standard Print, ie., not using the Report printing. . All Standard printouts are controlled by using the Print Options window.
NOTE: Standard printing is not formatted like the Report printing. Standard printing should be used for quick printouts of data.

To View the Print Options Window:

1) Click on the Print Options toolbar button

Print Options Window:


What to print :

Print entire directory -> Prints ALL records in the currently opened directory (personal or business or custom)
Print tagged records only -> Prints ALL records designated as tagged using the Tag button.
Print records beginning with -> Prints All records in the currently opened directory that begin with the text entered.
Personal directory uses Last Name for matches
Business directory uses Company Name for matches.
Print Labels -> Prints Labels for all "tagged" records or same label repeatedly. Note: Use Format Label button to select correct label type and change label options.

How to Print :

Single column -> Prints data in one column.
Double column -> Prints data in two columns
Condensed -> Prints data in two columns in condensed format using a smaller font. NOTE: User selected font is not used in this format.
Select Font button -> Allows user to select the desired font used in the printout.
Select Fields button -> Allows user to include/omit specific data fields from the printout. Fields with a check mark next to them are included while fields without are omitted from the printout.
# of Lines per page -> Defines the number of lines printed per page. If the Disable Auto Lines option is checked then the value entered is the max # of lines printed per page. If the Disable Auto Lines option is unchecked thenContactk Wolf calculates the # lines/page value automatically using the Font height, spacing and Margin 3 setting.
Spacing between printed lines -> Defines the vertical spacing (in % font character height) between printed lines. Increase this value to add space between printed lines. If the Disable Auto Spacing option is checked then the spacing used is the value entered in % character height for the specific printing font currently selected. if the Disable Auto Spacing option is unchecked Contact Wolf calculates the spacing based on the printing font currently selected.

Margin Settings:

Margin 1 -> Left margin - Defines where characters begin printing on the page. Enter margin value (1-100) in % page width (ie a value of 50 is the middle of the page).
Margin 2 -> 2nd column margin - Defines where characters in two column prints begin printing. Enter margin value (1-100) in % page width (ie a value of 50 is the middle of the page).
Margin 3 -> Top and bottom margin - Defines distance from top of page where characters begin printing and bottom of page where characters stop printing. Enter margin value (1-100) in % page height (ie a value of 50 is the middle of the page).
NOTE: Margin values too large can force characters to print off of the page.
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