Contact Wolf  Help


The Print toolbar button is used to make Standard printouts of Contact Wolf record data. For formatted Report printing see the Reports help topic.
The data printed is formatted according to the current options selected in Print Options. Users should first use the Print Options Window to select "what and how" the record data will be printed, then select the Print toolbar button to send it to the printer.
Please refer to the Print Options help topic for more information on Standard printing.
If only the displayed record is to be printed users may use the Quick Print option.

Quick prints:

The Quick Print option is used to print out only the data for currently displayed record.
1) Click on an existing record in the Record List to select and load the record.
2) Click on the Quick Print toolbar button

To Print only TAGGED records:

1) TAG records as desired. For more information see the Tagging Records Help Topic.
2) Click on the PRINT button
3) For a Quick Print of only the currently displayed record select the Quick Print button
To Print Only TAGGED records click on the Print Options button and select the Print tagged Records Only option in the Print Options Window
Close the Print Options Window and click on the Print Button.
TIP:  You can also Print formatted Reports of Tagged records by clicking on the Reports Button and selecting one of the Tagged Records Only Reports available.
See the Reports Help topic for more information.
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