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Tagging Records

Tagging a record is a way of selecting a record and adding it to a subset of records or "Tagged Records".
Tagging a record identifies individual records for printing, emailing, creating an internet address book, multiple deletion, exporting to an email list, adding to a Group, etc.
This is often used in conjunction with many functions in Contact Wolf.  This allows the user to specify exactly which records in the Contact Wolf database to be effected by the function selected.  Records may be tagged in All Directories (Personal, Business, Custom).
TIP: The Tagged record list is not normally saved when Contact Wolf is closed. To Save the list of Tagged records so that its still available when you restart Contact Wolf select:
Preferences -> Tagged Records - Save on program exit
For example....
If you wanted to select some records to send email to for a particular Group of records you have created.
1) Click on the GROUP name in the Group Control to list only records from that Group
2) Click on the TAG ALL button to select all the displayed records and add them to the Tagged Record List
3) Click on the EMAIL button to send email to only the currently Tagged records

To Tag a record:

1) Click on an existing record in the Record List to select and load the record.
2) Click on the Tag button
3) A message is displayed verifying the tag.
NOTE: To display a list of the currently tagged records click on the Show Tagged Records button

To tag ALL records currently displayed in the Records List Window:

1) Click on the TAG ALL button
NOTE: Clicking again on the Tag button for a record that is already tagged will UNTAG the record and remove it from the Tagged Record List.

To Tag multiple selected records displayed in the Records List Window:

1) Hold the Ctrl Key and click on each record in the Records List Control to select and highlight multiple records
2) Click on the TAG record button to TAG the selected records

To UNTAG and clear ALL tagged records:

1) Click on the Show Tagged Records button to display the records currently Tagged.
2) Click on the Clear All button


You can also access the Tagging record functions by RIGHT CLICKING in the Records List Window to display the popup window below:
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