Contact Wolf  Help

User Defined Data Fields


Contact Wolf includes multiple User Defined Data Fields that can be configured by the User.

Note: Global User Defined Data Fields are data fields that if modified will effect ALL records in the database.
          Individual user Defined data fields if modified will only effect the specific record its modified for.

Individual User Defined data Fields:

Individual User Defined data Fields can be viewed and modified by Adding or Editing a contact record to display the Record Data Window (below)
Click on the COMMENTS Tab to see 4 User Defined data Fields.
Click on the Modify button to change the Data Field Label for each of the configurable data fields.
NOTE: Changes made to these data fields will only be reflected for the specific record it is modified for, ie., changes will not effect any other contact records.
click on COMMENTS TAB..........

Global user Defined Data Fields:

The Global Data Fields can be viewed by clicking on the CUSTOM TAB in the Edit Record window.
TIP: Some other data fields that can be configured on a global basis are included but we recommend modifying the Custom data Field 1 thru Custom data Field 5
Click on CUSTOM TAB....
Global User Defined Data Fields must be configured from the "Modify Global Data Fields" option in the Preferences menu.
Preferences -> Modify Global Data Fields
NOTE: Changes made to these data fields will be reflected for ALL contact records.

To Modify a Global data Field:

1) Click on the down arrow under the "Select data Field to modify" and select the current Contact Wolf Data to be modified.
2) Click in the edit box under "Enter new data field label" and enter the new name of the Data field.
3) Click APPLY CHANGE below to update data field with the modification.
4) Continue selecting data fields to modify and entering the new Data Field labels
5) When all changes have been made click on the OK button to close the window and accept the changes.
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