Contact Wolf  Help

Viewing records

Any record currently displayed in the Records List Window (below)  can easily be viewed by clicking on the record to load it.
The records displayed in the Record List Window correspond with records currently filed in the Contact Wolf database under the Directory (Personal, Business, Custom) currently selected and the Alphabet Tab (A-Z) that's currently selected unless a Search was performed in which case all records that meet the search criteria will be displayed or a Group was selected in the Group List Window in which case all the records assigned to the Group will be displayed.

To view a record in the database:

1) Select the desired directory by clicking on either the Personal, Business or Custom Directory Tab.
2) Click on the Alphabet Tab (A-Z) where the record is filed.
NOTE: Alternatively you could use the Search option to find the record and load it into the Record List Box so it can be selected for viewing.
3) Click on one of the Name Fields of the record currently listed in the Record List Box.
4) The record selected is immediately loaded

TIP: You can also click on a


in the Group List Window to automatically load all records currently assigned to the Group that is selected.

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