Contact Wolf  Help


Contact Wolf provides three useful Utilities to keep your database in good working order.
1) Clean Database - recommended after importing any Data into your database. This option goes through each record in your database and deletes any extraneous records that do not meet minimum requirements and are not viewable.
                                   It specifically deletes any records in the Personal Directory that do not have a required LAST NAME or any records in the Business Directory that do not have a COMPANY NAME.
2) Remove Duplicate Records from database - This option checks your database for exact duplicates and only deletes the duplicate record.
3) Reset All Program settings to default values - This option does not effect any data in the actual database but instead resets all program settings (column widths, fonts, etc) to the default settings initialized when Contact Wolf was installed.
                                                                                     This option should be used if the user sees any strange behavior in the interface like all black windows or data that appears to have disappeared which can indicate a program settings file corruption.

To Access the Utility Options Select Menu Option:

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