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How to Reconfigure the UserDSN for the Database

The latest version of the instructions below can also be viewed at our website link
The Contact Wolf database is an ODBC relational database that must be registered on the users computer. The UserDSN specifies where the database is registered. Changing the UserDSN of the database to a different location allows access to the database in a different folder location. The UserDSN can be manually modified for thispurpose but we recommend using the Change Database Location option in Contact Wolf which modifies the UserDSN automatically.
To modify the UserDSN for the Contact Wolf database manually follow the instructions below:

How to Reconfigure the UserDSN (database registration) for the Contact Wolf Database CWdb240.mdb

The UserDSN on your computer determines the path to the Contact Wolf database fileCWdb240.mdb
A UserDSN is required or Contact Wolf will not be able to find the database.
The Contact Wolf database file name is CWdb240.mdb It can be in any folder you choose as long as the folder location is accessible and has read/write privilages granted for your user account. You will normally need admin rights to change the UserDSN on your computer.
When Contact Wolf is installed on a computer it installs the database CWdb240.mdb to the following folder location depending on the Operating System being used:
NOTE: The database location was changed with version 2.40 and later to comply with Microsoft Developer Requirements:
NOTE: Sometimes users have installed different versions and may have several CWdb240.mdb data files in different locations. We recommend checking all possible folder locations below and searching your computer for file name CWdb240.mdb
Compare the file size for each database file you find. Normally the one with the largest file size and latest file date will be your current database file.
Contact Wolf v2.30 - v2.39 - ALL Operating Systems: (used database CWdb230.mdb)
C:\Program Files\Contact Wolf\Data\CWdb230.mdb
Contact Wolf v2.40 - current :
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Lone Wolf Software\Contact Wolf\CWdb240.mdb
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Lone Wolf Software\Contact Wolf\CWdb240.mdb
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Lone Wolf Software\Contact Wolf\CWdb240.mdb
Windows 7 & Windows 8:
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Lone Wolf Software\Contact Wolf\CWdb240.mdb
To move the database to a different folder location and register it there:
1) Copy and Paste the CWdb240mdb database file from the source location (see above) to the new folder destination.
2) Follow the instructions below to reset the UserDSN to point to the new folder location selected in step #1.

userDSN Modification INSTRUCTIONS :

(Win 2k/XP users select START-> SETTINGS -> CONTROL PANEL ->Administrative Sources)
( VISTA 32 users select the "Classic" View in the left window pane)
( Vista 64 users select Additional Options->View 32 Bit Control Panel Items )
(Windows7 users start Windows Explorer to open the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder. Double click on the file named odbcad32.exe )
2) Double Click on the "ODBC Data Sources" icon
3) Under the "User DSN" tab click once on the "CWdb240" entry to highlight it.
4) Click on the "CONFIGURE" button
5) Click on the "SELECT" button
6) In the Select Database window open the folder location where you moved the CWdb240.mdb database file. ( If the database was moved to a server, open the server folder location.) If you have not moved the CWdb240.mdb data file, open the folder location as specified above depending on the OS being used.
-> The CWdb240.mdb file should then appear in the window to the left
7) Click once on the CWdb240.mdb item to select it and then click on the OK button
8) Click on the OK button to close the window
9) Click on OK to close the final window
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