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Network Configuration Instructions

The latest version of the network configuration instructions below can also be viewed at our website link
Network Configuration Instructions for CWDB240.mdb
How to configure Contact Wolf to share the database on a network.
The instructions below are valid ONLY for Contact Wolf v2.40 or greater that use database CWdb240.mdb
To check your version:
1) Start Contact Wolf
2) Select:
Help->about Contact Wolf
If you have a previous version please contact us at email address:
We will then send you further instructions on how to upgrade to continue with the network set-up.
Contact Wolf is a network compatible ODBC database Contact Manager. The following instructions explain how to setup and configure Contact Wolf in a network environment so that its database can be shared by all users on the network.
The Contact Wolf database file name is CWdb240.mdb. When first installed Contact Wolf installs and registers the database in the following folder location on each computer its installed on.
( Note: versions before v2.40 (ie, v2.30 - 2.39) used database CWdb230.mdb
- "C:\Program Files\Contact Wolf\Data\CWdb230.mdb" )
for v2.40 and later check the following location :
C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Application Data\Lone Wolf Software\Contact Wolf\CWdb240.mdb
C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Lone Wolf Software\Contact Wolf\CWdb240.mdb
Windows 7 & Windows 8:
C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Lone Wolf Software\Contact Wolf\CWdb240.mdb
Network Usage:
For shared use of the Contact Wolf database in a network environment the database file CWdb240.mdb must be moved to a folder location on the network that is accessible by all users. The network administrator should verify that file sharing on all systems is configured to allow users access to the folder location where the Contact Wolf database file (CWdb240.mdb) is placed.
Each user that wants shared access to the database must then reregister the Contact Wolf ODBC database on their respective system using the ODBC Administrator In the Windows Control Panel. (see procedure #2 below)
Procedure # 1 - Moving the Contact Wolf database - Network Administrator ONLY
1) Using Windows Explorer open the folder location where the CWdb240.mdb database file is located.
2) Find and click once on the " CWdb240.mdb " file
3) Select COPY
4) Open the folder destination that allows shared access for multiple users on the network. (usually a location on the server)
5) Select PASTE to paste a copy of the CWdb240.mdb file in the destination folder
Reregistering the Contact Wolf database path
- When installed on a system Contact Wolf registers the database in the installation folder (as specified above) on each system. EACH user must then follow Procedure #2 below to modify the current database registration path created during installation and reregister it using the database path to the NEW folder location on the network that allows access to all users on the network.
EACH USER must follow Procedure #2 below to reset the UserDSN on their computer to point to the new database file location.
Procedure #2 - Changing the UserDSN to modify the current ODBC Contact Wolf database path - ALL Users on the network
( Win 2k/XP users select START-> SETTINGS -> CONTROL PANEL ->Administrative Sources)
( VISTA 32 users select the "Classic" View in the left window pane)
( Vista 64 users select Additional Options->View 32 Bit Control Panel Items )
( Windows7 users see step #2 below)
2) Double Click on the "ODBC Data Sources" icon
( Windows7 users double click on the file named odbcad32.exe found in location C:\Windows\SysWOW4\odbcad32.exe )
3) Under the "User DSN" tab click once on the "CWdb240" entry to highlight it.
4) Click on the "CONFIGURE" button
5) Click on the "SELECT" button
6) Click on the "Network" button
7) Click on the down arrow in the "Drive" box and select any of the
available drive letters.
8) Click on the down arrow in the "Path" or "Folder" box and select the shared network drive where the CWdb240.mdb file exists. Place a check mark in the box labeled "Reconnect at logon".
9) In the Select Database window open the destination folder on the shared drive that you moved the CWdb240.mdb file to in Procedure #1 (If the database file was moved to the server select that folder location)
-> The CWdb240.mdb file should then appear in the window to the left
10) Click once on the CWdb240.mdb item to select it and then click on the OK button
11) Click on the OK button to close the window
12) Click on OK to close the final window
At this point you now have the ODBC Contact Wolf database file registered on your system in its new location and Contact Wolf
will be able to find it and access it in the shared network location.
ALL network users must reregister the Contact Wolf database file on their respective system following the procedures outlined above. File sharing for the folder location of the Contact Wolf database file must be granted to any users on the network to have access to the database.
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