Features: |
Easy Setup!
Enter your web URL's and begin monitoring
Tests & Measures Ping Response
Checks DNS Resolution &
verifies IP address
Monitors HTTP Requests to
insure website is visible
Measures Website Overall
Performance (WOP)
Tracks and Graphically displays
website response.
Automatically sends you Email
Notifications when the website is not responding and
again when its back up.
EASY Website Monitoring |
Setup your website monitoring
in seconds. Decide for yourself if your ISP is performing up to
your requirements
Trial lets you explore all the features and flexibility |
Why pay a monthly fee for a web service to watch your
websites when you can do it !
Websites that are unreliable and slow are a waste
of your money! |
Customer feedback....
"Works great and keeps me
informed about my websites everyday!"
Peter Davone
San Diego, CA
"If you have a website this is simply 'must-have'
software! I wouldn't be without it!" Thomas Frank
Naples, FL
"Monitor Wolf discovered that my
ISP was doing a poor job of hosting my website. I've changed providers
and now I'm getting a lot more visitors to my site. "
Sarah Morris
Oakland, CA
"Finally website monitoring
software that even I understand how to use. What an excellent
Greg Von Strasson
Toledo, OH
Why do you need Monitor Wolf ? |
The fact is that most Web Hosting companies never bother to
notify you when your web site is not responding. If your website
is down or responding slowly it can quickly cost you revenue!
Monitor Wolf closely monitors any website address and will contact you immediately by email or sound an
alarm when a problem occurs
so you know what is happening in "real time".
performance is an
important and critical indicator of a websites
success. Monitor Wolf measures and analyzes multiple
parameters to determine how well a website responds to
browser requests. Measurements are made according to
the test frequency you select to check ping response,
HTTP visibility and DNS resolution. Response speed,
slow response percentage, failure rate and other
parameters are recorded. Performance statistics are
analyzed and plotted in real time so you can watch and
review the website response.
Watch response trends
displayed graphically: |
Monitor Wolf compiles data from each ping
response and plots the results to illustrate trends.
You will see graphically when your website is down,
responding slowly, or performing flawlessly. Track a web
site or Host IP for days, weeks, or months to accurately
reveal "true" performance. The graph is useful to
illustrate response trends. A slow response is easily
distinguishable as a peak in the graph. An occasional slow
response (peak) is normal and insignificant, but a response
graph with a substantial amount of peaks is an indicator of
a website that has a tendency to respond slowly to browser
requests which can be a concern for losing visitors.
Example below illustrates poor response results from a monitored web site. This site will often respond slowly to browser requests.

Example below illustrates Good response data : This site will respond quickly
and consistently to browser requests.
Accurately measure your Website
performance |

Ever wondered if your Web Hosting company is performing up to
acceptable standards ? Many Web Hosts "promise" a 99.9% UpTime but few actually deliver. Monitor Wolf measures
important response parameters from any website
including "average response time", " min/max response time",
"slow response percentage", "Up-Time percentage" and much
more. Now you have a way to decide for yourself if you
should keep your current Hosting company or consider
switching to a better performer
Monitoring Software that's Easy to Use |
Just enter your website URL addresses and
let Monitor Wolf watch your websites for you!
Monitor Wolf was designed to be easy to use and keep you informed on the status of any
website and measure its performance. |
Tests Ping Response to let you
know the server is responding |
When a website address is pinged the Web Host
Internet Provider (IP) sends a response code. Monitor Wolf
will actively ping the IP address and automatically
interpret and measure the response, analyze the results, and
plot response trends over time so you can track the
performance of the website. Ping response is analyzed instantaneously. All
results are compared and analyzed as they occur so you can
the website response in "real time". |
Tests HTTP Visibility to insure
the website is visible to the public |
Downloads and checks the actual HTML code on the homepage
to verify that it's visible to browser requests. If the code
is not visible to the internet then the website cannot be
accessed. |
Tests DNS Resolution to verify
that the IP address is resolving correctly |
Checks the DNS and
lets you know if the domain name is resolving correctly to
the servers IP address. If the DNS fails nobody will find
the website. |
Plots Test Results
so you can watch and review the website performance in real time.
The results graph illustrates response trends so you can see how the
site has been performing at a glance.
Internet Connection
Testing |
Periodically checks your internet connection to insure the test results
being measured are accurate and not skewed by a poor internet
connection. If a connection problem occurs, testing is automatically
paused until the connection returns to normal. |
Failure Notification |
Setup email
notifications and alarms to be alerted immediately
when a website is not responding. Site "Down Time"
is measured automatically so you know when and how
long the website failed. |
Measures Website
Overall performance (WOP) - ( response speed, slow response rate, failure
rate and more) |
If your website is periodically
failing, responding slowly or simply performing poorly you will
ultimately be the loser not the web hosting company. Most people are not
aware of the frequency or multitude of problems that can occur which
effect website response. The WOP is a great indicator of total
performance. |
Monitor your websites in the
background : |
Monitor Wolf includes an option to allow you to monitor your
websites in "Background Mode" from the System Tray. This saves
system resources and lets you monitor your websites 24/7 while you
work on other things. The Monitor Wolf tray icon will change
and sound an alarm if a monitored website fails so you can react
immediately if a problem occurs.