Contact Wolf  Help

Export the database

Contact Wolf can export the Contact Wolf database into multiple formats including the standard comma separated value text file format ( .csv). (also knows as comma delimited text file format) This format can be imported into other database programs.

To export the Contact Wolf database in comma delimited format :

1) Select FILE -> Export -> comma separated value file
2) Select the Personal or Business directory option
3) Select the data fields to be exported by clicking on the data field name so that a checkmark is next to it
4) Select a target path and file name
5) Click on the OK button to export

Exporting data using the Reports option:

Each Report can also be exported into multiple formats (pdf, Excel, CSV, Lotus, Rich Text, Word docs, XML and more).

To export the database using the Reports option:

1) Click on the Reports button
2) Select the desired report type from the drop down selection menu in the Report Viewer
3) Select a Report to display it in the Report Viewer
4) Click on the Export Report button at the top of the Report viewer
5) Select a Report export format
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