Unlimited Alarm Reminders can be set for any record. Alarms can be DATE based or Date & Time based.
Date Based Alarms:
Date based alarms will continue to display until the Alarm Reminder has been cancelled or reset.
Alarms can be set to automatically reset according to the reset schedule selected (daily, monthly ,yearly, etc.).
Alarms are checked and displayed automatically in the Reminder window (if enabled) when Contact Wolf is launched. Alarms can also be checked by clicking on the Check Alarms toolbar button.
Date and Time based alarms:
Display only on the Date and exact time and require that Contact Wolf run a small background application that constantly checks for any due alarms. Setting this type of alarm will display a small
"hand" icon on the desktops system menu indicating Time based alarms are being monitored. Right Clicking on the "hand" icon will open a popup menu of options
Date and Time based alarms will display on the desktop even when Contact Wolf is closed.
Adding an Alarm reminder:
Add or Edit a record to display the records data window. Click on the Reminders Tab.
Click on the ADD Button to display the Add/Edit Reminder window
1) Select a DATE & Time (optional) for the alarm. Complete the Alarm Title.
Select an auto reset option. Add a comment or description about the alarm reminder.
2) Click next to the Send Email Reminder to automatically send an email
reminder. Enter a recipient email address to send the email reminder to (required)
3) Click the OK button to add the alarm reminder to the contact records Reminder List.
4) Click on the OK button to close the Record data window and add the alarm.
The Alarm reminder will begin displaying for the contact record when the Alarm Date is reached.
The Alarm Reminder Window:
Alarm reminders are displayed in the Reminder window. The user may view All Due and pending alarms.
Clicking on a reminder in the reminder list displays contact information for the contact record and the alarm data.
Alarm Reminders may be edited but the Alarm must be reset to apply the changes.
Alarm reminders can be automatically displayed when Contact Wolf is started by selecting this option in the Preferences menu.
Preferences > Alarms > Check on Program launch > Enable
Alarms can also be checked and displayed by clicking on the
Check Alarms Toolbar button.

Alarms set using a specific TIME require the Contact Wolf Alarm Monitor to be running in the background.
This can be enabled/disabled by selecting
Preferences > Alarms > Reminder Alarm Monitor for Time based alarms > Enable/Disable