Contact Wolf  Help

Label Printing - Custom Labels (PRO version only)

The PRO version of Contact Wolf allows you to design your own Label formatting for records from each individual Directory (Personal, Business, Custom)
You can create labels that print a maximum of 6 lines for each Contact record.
NOTE: Adding too many lines to a Label format can cause the label text to print over the label boundaries. If this occurs you will need to reduce the size of the Label font or remove some lines from the formatting. It is recommended to test the label print before actually using a label sheet.

To print Custom Labels (PRO version only):

1) From the Label Formatting window (below) click next to the Use Custom Labels option to select it.
2) Click on the DESIGN button to open the Custom Label window
3) Select the Directory you are designing labels for (Personal, Business, Custom)
4) Click on Line 1 in the Select Line window
5) Click on the down arrow next to the Select Data field to Add drop down menu and select the Data field to add to line #1
6) Click on the ADD button to add the data field selected to the design window
NOTE: Three Data Fields may be added per line
7) To add another Data field to Line 1 select it from the drop down menu and click the ADD button again. You will see it added to the right of the first Data field added in the Design window
8) To add more Lines click on the Line 2 option in the Select Line window and repeat steps 5-7 to add more data fields to print on Line 2 on the label
9) Continue adding Lines of data fields as desired until your custom label is complete.
TIP: Adding several Data fields to a line can cause the data to print over the label boundaries, make sure to select data fields that are not too long.
10) When complete click on the OK button to accept the changes and save the formatted custom label.
11) Click OK to close the Label Formatting window  (keep the Use Custom Labels option selected if you want to print the custom label format when you print the labels)
Made with help of Dr.Explain