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Linked Documents - Using the Document Linker


Linked Documents in Contact Wolf (Pro Version Only)

Contact Wolf Pro includes a powerful option to Link documents to your contact records. Linked Documents are simply document files from other applications. You can link almost any type of document file including Image files (.bmp, gif, tiff, jpg, etc), Text based files like Microsoft Word (.wpd, .doc), Notepad (.txt), application specific file formats like PowerPoint, Access, Excel, SQL, HTML, XML and many other formats.
Linked documents are not stored in the Contact Wolf database to save resources and limit the size of the database for speed. Only a "link" (path) to the linked document is stored. Double clicking on the linked document in Contact Wolf will then automatically open the appropriate application so you can view/edit the document for the linked path stored in Contact Wolf.
NOTE: To be able to view/edit the linked document on your computer you need to have the appropriate application installed that can edit the document file and have the correct file association set on your computer so that Contact Wolf knows what application to open to load the linked document file.


We recommend using the "Copy file to linked document folder and link there" option in the Document Linker settings so that when you view/edit the linked document file you are only editing a copy of the file stored in your Linked Documents folder. This leaves the original file in its original state and also makes it easier if you transfer Contact Wolf to a different computer in the future since you will simply need to transfer the Linked Documents folder to maintain the link integrity for all your contact records.


You can change the Linked Document folder path to any location by selecting:
Preferences -> Document Linking -> Set Linked Document Folder Path
The Linked Document option allows you to easily link and associate multiple types of documents to any contact record.
The Linked Document option is only available in the PRO version of Contact Wolf.

To Link a Document to a contact record:

1) Click on the Document Linker button in the main interface. (If the Minimalist Interface is being used RIGHT CLICK in the Supplemental section to open a popup window of menu options)
This opens the Document Linker Window
2) Click on the SELECT button and navigate to the document file to be linked. Click once on the file to select and highlight it. Click OPEN to select it in the selection window.
3) Click on the ADD DOCUMENT button to add it to the current linked document list for the contact record currently selected.
4) Click OK to close the Document Linker window and Link the Document to the contact record.
The file will then be displayed in the current linked document list for the contact record in the main Interface (If Minimalist Interface is active they documents are displayed as active hyperlinks in the Supplemental Section)


When a document is linked to a contact record only a link to its location on the computer is stored in the Contact Wolf database to save on resources and preserve speed in the database. We recommend keeping the "Copy file to linked document folder and link there" option enabled
so that the document is automatically copied to the current Linked Folder location on the computer and then linked there. This keeps original document file safe in its original location and maintains all your linked documents in one folder location (The Linked Document Folder Location) which also makes it much easier when you transfer Contact Wolf to a different computer since you will only need to copy over the Linked Documents Folder to maintain the integrity of the links in the database.
This also means when you View or Edit the Linked Document in Contact Wolf that you are only editing the copy of the document file in the Linked Documents Folder and not the actual document in its original location.
TIP:  You can change the location of the Linked Documents folder on the computer by selecting:
Preferences -> Document Linking -> Set Linked Document Folder Path
NOTE: If you change the Linked Document Folder Path with other documents links already existing in the database you should keep the documents in the previously linked locations or the integrity of the links will be effected. All future linked documents will be linked to the new folder location selected.
TIP: You can link mutliple images to a contact record using the Document Linker. Clicking on each image will display it in the Image Control (if enabled)
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