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Website addresses

Website addresses for a selected record are displayed in the Website Display Window that's entitled Website in the main interface unless the Minimalist Interface option is enabled which displays the addresses as active URL links in the Supplemental window.

To access a website address :

1) Click on an existing record in the Record List to select and load the record.
2) Click once on the website address in the Website List Window to select it.
3) Click on the Go button to the left of the Website List Window to launch your web browser and access the website address selected.
    NOTE: The web browser launched will be the default web browsing client currently defined as the default application on your computer.
NOTE: The Website address selected should automatically be entered in the "Address" field in the web browser.

To Add or Edit a website address for a selected record.

1) Edit the record and add the website address under the "Addresses" Tab in the Edit window
or RIGHT CLICK in the website address window and
select ADD from the popup window.
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