Contact Wolf  Help

Help Menu

Help Menu

Help Menu Options:


About Contact Wolf

1. About Contact Wolf
Displays a Window with information about Contact Wolf including the version.

Download Report support file

2. Download Report support file
Downloads the Report Support files from the Lone Wolf web server.
The version of Contact Wolf distributed on the internet does not include the Report Support files to allow Report printing. It is distributed in this way to reduce the file size of the installation file. The CDROM version of Contact Wolf contains ALL required files including the Report Support files.
Users should select this option to allow printing and viewing of the Reports.
After selecting the Download option users can download the ReportSupport.exe installation file. This must be run on the computer to install all the required Report Support files on the computer. Just downloading the ReportSupport.exe file will not be sufficient. Users must actually run it to extract and install the necessary files to support the Reports in the software.

Make "bug" report

3. Make "bug" report
Select to send a bug report to Lone Wolf Software.

Help (XP based)

4. Help (XP based)
<TODO> Insert description text here...

Help  (internet)

5. Help  (internet)
<TODO> Insert description text here...

Help ( .pdf)

6. Help ( .pdf)
<TODO> Insert description text here...

Help Articles

7. Help Articles
<TODO> Insert description text here...


8. Purchase
Select to Purchase a License for Contact Wolf.
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