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Password Protecting Individual Contact Records

Individual contact records may be password protected. If a contact record is protected it will not be visible or accessible in Contact Wolf unless the Password has been entered.
Once the Password has been enter all protected records will become visible and accessible.  The Password will need to be entered each time Contact Wolf is launched to allow access to the protected records.

To Password Protect an Individual contact record:

1) Add a new record or Edit an existing record
2) Click on the check box - Password protect this record - you will see a padlock appear when protection is enabled.
( Note: A UserID will be required to allow protection)
Click OK to close the Edit window and accept the change
NOTE: When the window is closed the record that has the password protection enabled will immediately disappear if it was listed in the Records List. The record will remain completely hidden from ALL users until the Password is successfully entered.
To Enter the Password to View and access Password Protected records:
1) Click on the Enter Password button
2) Enter the password and click OK
If the Password is accepted ALL password protected records for the UserID it was entered for will become visible and accessible.
Made with help of Dr.Explain