Contact Wolf  Help


Contact Wolf uses a powerful dynamic relational database to store records. The Search function accesses the database with a search algorithm that provides quick and accurate search results.
The results of the search performed are always displayed in the Records List Window. The record can then be quickly displayed by simply clicking on the record in the Records List Window.

How to perform a search:

1) The Search box will accept keywords or phrases typed in by the user or you can optionally click on the small arrow at the right side of the search box to open a drop down list to quickly select from a list of keyword phrases previously searched for.
Enter the Search phrase in the Search box
2) Click on the Search button to search the Contact Wolf database and display the results in the Record List Window.
NOTE: The search performed is always directory dependant, i.e.,  ONLY records in the currently selected directory (Personal. Business, Custom) are searched. Please refer to the Directories Help topic

Search Speed :

Contact Wolf stores a lot of information, searching all data fields in a fairly large database can be time consuming. To speed up search results the "Search Criteria" can be controlled.
To configure what fields are searched click on the button labeled with a "?" next to the Search button.
Select only the fields that are relevant for the search.


Hovering your curser over each checkbox will display the Data Fields that are searched if the option is enabled.
Contact Wolf has powerful Search capabilities designed to help you find records quickly and efficiently. Below are a few Tips on using the SEARCH option.
1) Click on the Directory Tab (personal, business, custom) near the top of the Contact Wolf main window to select the Directory you want to search. The Search function only searches thru records in the Directory that's currently selected.
2) Click on the "?" button next to the SEARCH button to select what data fields will be searched. Place a check mark next to any of the search options to enable the data fields in the Search algorithm. Click OK to accept any changes.
TIP: If you hold your mouse curser over the check box you will see a popup window that explains what data fields are enabled if the option is selected.
TIP: This option is mainly designed for large databases of over 1000 records to limit the Search time needed to search every data field. If you have a database of less than 500 records we recommend that all data fields be enabled for searches. However, disabling certain data fields in searches can also be useful in limiting extraneous matches (for example if you are searching for a zip code you may want to disable the Phone Data from being searched or some phone numbers may contain the zip code in the phone number and be returned as matches.)
3) Use the plus sign + in your keyword search phrase to search for multiple keywords and limit matches.
example : If you only want to search for records you have assigned under a category named "clients" you can simply enter clients and all records with "clients" in the category name will be returned as matches. However, if you only want records from your client category and with a particular zip code 21122 you should enter the keyword phrase as :
clients + 21122
The + sign simply tells Contact Wolf to only return records with both "clients" and "21122" in the records data.
NOTE: for the above example you would need to have the categories and phone data search options enabled to allow those data fields to be searched.
TIP: Contact Wolf allows up to 10 keywords to limit your search results so for example you could search for records with the following keyword phrase:
clients + maryland + baltimore + golf
or if you just want to search for records that you have assigned to your "friends", "clients", and "family" category you could enter the keyword phrase as:
clients + friends + family
TIP: When entering your search phrase you do not need to worry about upper or lower case. Contact Wolf ignores the letter case when performing searches.
4) Contact Wolf also includes a Record Viewer (click on the Record Viewer Toolbar button) that allows you to see ALL the records in your database for any Directory. Although the Record Viewer does not have a Search option it can be very useful since it allows you to sort records for any data field by simply clicking on the column header in the Record Viewer. This can be a Quick way to see all records for a particular State, Zip code, category, etc.
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